My dear friend and yoga instructor Erica Weddle and I attended a yoga acupuncture class last summer. It was great! We enjoyed it so much we though, why can’t we combine our skills and bring this type of healing to Brown County!? In acupuncture we have meridians and Qi, or energy. While in yoga there are Nadia and Prana, also energy. The practice of a genial yoga flow with acupuncture needles in place is a great way to revitalize the bodies Qi and rejuvenate the mind and soul while becoming…read more
Roots Of Healing Acupuncture is happy to announce we have moved. Beginning Tuesday August 11th, 2015 Leah will start seeing patients at 104 South Jefferson Street in beautiful down town Nashville. Leah is very excited to be sharing this space with Paula White of Gaia’s Touch massage therapy and Robin Parkhill, D.C. of A Healthy Connection. For the first week in the new space all acupuncture sessions will be 25% discounted. Call to schedule your appointment as space is filling up. Look out for more specials coming including student discounts…read more
While Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are great for treating cold and flu symptoms I am often asked by my patients, “What are some natural remedies we can keep at home?” So I wanted to list some of my favorite go to’s as a 1st defense against cold and flu symptoms. First and foremost I am a huge advocate for probiotics. They help keep the gut flourished with healthy bacteria. This is not only good for the digestive system but by having a healthygut your body will be better at fighting…read more
Moxibustion is a modality of treatment used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Moxa, for short, is composed of the herb Mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris which is a species of Chrysanthemum. It is used to treat and prevent many diseases or ailments when applied to specific acupuncture points on the body. Moxa comes in many different forms but is always heated with fire before applied to the chosen acupuncture point. Its main functions of use are to warm the acupuncture meridians, promote the smooth flow of the bodies qi or energy and…read more
The YMCA in Nashville is open to the public free of charge the 1st Saturday of every month. Im pleased to announce that Jennifer Stienbachs and myself will be there again this Saturday, March 1st. Jennifer is a highly qualified Naturopath and will be providing nutritional counseling and body work. I will be providing mini acupuncture sessions that will consist of a brief intake than a 20 minute acupuncture treatment. Both services are offered on a donation bases on Community Day! Please join us from 12-3.
On February 1st, 2014 I spent the afternoon at the YMCA in Nashville for their Community Day. Jennifer Steinbachs and I set up in the children’s play room to give nutritional advice, body work, and acupuncture. Our services were provided on a donation basis which is our way of giving back to the community that we love. I was glad to be a part of the YMCA’s monthly Community Day which is open to Brown County residents free of charge on the 1st Saturday of every month. It was so…read more
There is a lot happening at Roots of Healing Acupuncture in this New Year. Along with a fresh new look for the website, I have opened a new office near downtown Nashville, Indiana and am regularly serving patients in both Bloomington and Nashville. If you are interested in an appointment at either location, please feel free to call or e-mail. Also, keep an eye out for upcoming community events and affordable acupuncture days coming soon to Nashville and the Brown County area. May you and your family live an abundantly…read more